今週は映画の脚本「The Circle」から。ハリーポッターのエマ・ワトソン、トム・ハンクス、ジョン・ボイエガ、SNS社会の光と闇をスリリングに描いたサスペンス映画!
(日本語全訳が欲しい方は [email protected]、Kazueまで)
real company 企業の中の企業、素晴らしいという意味でrealが使われる
might as well 〜したほうがいい
kill 口頭で「完勝する」の意、winよりも強い表現
Know the circle inside out inside outは「徹底的に」、know...inside out で「〜を知り尽くす」
own it (恥じることなく)堂々とするの意味もある
[Annie] I got you an interview tomorrow. Yes, I did.
[Mae] Really? No.
[Annie]I did, tomorrow.
[Mae] Holy s..., Annie, I love you.
[Annie] Remember, it's just customer experience. So answer phones, help people, what you're already doing but now a real company.
[Mae]I know, it's perfect.
[Annie]Tons of people started there.
[Mae] I know, I know. Thank you.
[Annie]Stop saying that. We're hiring a hundred people this month. One of them may as well be you.
[Mae]Right, good.
[Annie]This doesn't mean you're in. You have to kill the interview. Know the Circle inside out. I'm back next week. By then, you'll be hired if you kill the interview.
[Mae] Okay, I will.
[Annie] You can do it, Mae. Own it!