今週は映画「Hidden Figures(隠された立役者)」(邦題:ドリーム)からセリフをご紹介します。
(日本語全訳が欲しい方は [email protected]、Kazueまで)
White Cop: Not a great place for three of y’all be having car trouble.
Mary Jackson: We didn’t pick the place, Officer. It picked us.
White Cop: Are you being disrespectful?
Mary Jackson: No, sir.
White Cop: You have identification on you?
Mary Jackson: Yes, sir.
Katherine Johnson: Yes, sir. We’re just on our way to work at Langley. NASA, sir.
[all three show him their ID’s]
Dorothy Vaughan: We do a great deal of the calculating, getting our rockets into space.
White Cop: All three of you?
Katherine Johnson: Yes, sir.
Mary Jackson: Yes, Officer.
[he takes Mary’s ID and looks at it]
White Cop: NASA, now that’s something. I had no idea they hired…
Dorothy Vaughan: There are quite a few women working in the space program.