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With 3 years to go, overcome hurdles to make 2020 Tokyo Games a success
連携を密にする facilitate closer collaboration
最新技術state-of-the-art technology
最優先で with the highest priority
分散化している be decentralized
〜に影を落とす cast a shadow on ...
巧妙化する become sophisticated
監視機関 watchdog organization
It is three years until the opening of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Relevant organizations should facilitate closer collaboration among themselves to accelerate preparations for the event, while making efforts to reduce costs.
Tokyo is going through a hot summer. Measures to deal with the scorching heat will also be an unavoidable challenge during the Olympics in three years. Various strategies are required to protect the health of athletes and spectators.
There are several available measures for that purpose — covering the walls and roofs of athletic facilities with greenery, installing mist shower devices that spray water, and improving the surface of roads for marathon and race walking courses to avoid a rise in temperature on their surfaces.
It is desirable to utilize Japan’s state-of-the-art technology to achieve these objectives and bring about more effective results.
Amid the terrorist attacks frequently occurring in various parts of the world, securing the safety of athletic facilities and other soft targets is an issue to be focused on with the highest priority.
The government decided on a basic security strategy in April. Based on the strategy, the National Police Agency is gathering information on terrorism, cyber-attacks and other threats, analyzing them and providing information to relevant organizations.
Compared with the initial plan, event venues are more decentralized. A flawless security system should be established.
Russia’s state-sponsored doping violations cast a shadow on the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics. Doping violations by medalists were also revealed during the event.