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Passive smoking bill delay makes light of harmful health effects
飲食店 eating and drinking establishments
脳卒中 stroke
乳幼児突然死症候群 sudden infant death syndrome
世界的潮流 global trend
乏しい flimsy
猶予期間 grace period
一致点 common ground
調和させる harmonize
It is scientifically proven that passive smoking can trigger health problems. The delay in measures to prevent exposure to secondhand smoke is unacceptable.
The government has been forced to put off submitting to the current Diet session a bill to revise the Health Promotion Law that would strengthen measures against passive smoking. This was because fierce resistance within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party to proposed regulations for eating and drinking establishments prevented both sides from reaching an agreement. The government now aims to enact the bill during the extraordinary Diet session this autumn.
According to a Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry white paper on tobacco and other sources, inhaling secondhand smoke increases the risk of developing lung cancer and of strokes 1.3-fold. The risk of sudden infant death syndrome jumps 4.7-fold. It is estimated that more than 15,000 people die each year due to health problems caused by exposure to other people’s cigarette smoke.
Postponing submission of the bill will unavoidably lead to criticism that this serious health issue is being treated too lightly.
The global trend is toward stronger steps to prevent passive smoking. Forty-nine nations have enacted laws that ban smoking inside public facilities, including restaurants and bars.
Japan, through the Health Promotion Law and other regulations, merely requires operators to make efforts to prevent exposure to secondhand smoke. The World Health Organization rated Japan’s measures to prevent passive smoking as one of the world’s worst.
The WHO and the International Olympic Committee are pushing for a smoke-free Olympic Games. Japan’s tardy response to dealing with this issue ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics could hurt the nation’s reputation.
(The Yomiuri Shimbun)