2018年 北九州銀行杯 小中学生イングリッシュコンテスト
2018年 北九州銀行杯 小中学生イングリッシュコンテスト
投稿情報: 2018/12/11 カテゴリー: 1-What's New, 5-アカデミークラス, 語学と子育て | 個別ページ
THE (Times Higher Education)イギリス大学評価機関
QS(Quacquarelli Symonds)イギリス大学評価機関
ARWU (Academic Ranking of World Universities)上海交通大学の世界一流大学センター
CWUR(The Center for World University Rankings)
USNEWS Best Global Universities Rank (TheU.S. News)
The three longest established and most influential global rankings are those produced by ShanghaiRanking Consultancy (the Academic Ranking of World Universities; ARWU), Times Higher Education (THE), and Quacquarelli Symonds (QS).
投稿情報: 2018/11/11 カテゴリー: 1-What's New, 3-ベビー、幼稚園クラス, 4-小学生クラス, 5-アカデミークラス, 英語学習資料|無料ダウンロード英語プリント, 語学と子育て | 個別ページ
福岡市東区青葉7-6-3 イーストコート青葉内
◯無料体験レッスン 外国人講師との、おしゃべり体験(※先着順)
火曜〜金曜:午後3時〜午後9時 土曜、日曜:午前10時〜午後3時
火曜〜金曜:午後1時〜午後9時 土曜、日曜:午前10時〜午後6時
発音チェック、英文読み方、流暢な話し方、エッセイや学習のアドバイスなど 初めて取り組むお子様から留学する方、お仕事で必要性を感じている方まで 何でもご相談ください。他校生徒さん、塾生さんもお気軽に!
◯4月からの受講お申込み受け付けます:受付デスク 午後4時〜午後7時
投稿情報: 2018/03/08 カテゴリー: 0-emac english school, 1-What's New, 2-プリスクール・パンダクラブ, 3-ベビー、幼稚園クラス, 4-小学生クラス, 5-アカデミークラス, 6-短期コース(英検、フォニックスほか), 8-おとなの英語、イングリッシュサロン, 9-短期教室、イングリッシュデイキャンプ(春、夏、冬), 91-ブッククラブ, 年齢別、英語絵本リスト, 英語学習資料|無料ダウンロード英語プリント, 語学と子育て | 個別ページ
Kちゃん第1位 さらに、総合で審査員特別賞も獲得しました
投稿情報: 2017/12/14 カテゴリー: 1-What's New, 2-プリスクール・パンダクラブ, 3-ベビー、幼稚園クラス, 4-小学生クラス, 5-アカデミークラス, 8-おとなの英語、イングリッシュサロン, 9-短期教室、イングリッシュデイキャンプ(春、夏、冬), 語学と子育て | 個別ページ
日本語訳を知りたい方はお申し付けください✨ [email protected] Kazueまで
Passive smoking bill delay makes light of harmful health effects
飲食店 eating and drinking establishments
脳卒中 stroke
乳幼児突然死症候群 sudden infant death syndrome
世界的潮流 global trend
乏しい flimsy
猶予期間 grace period
一致点 common ground
調和させる harmonize
It is scientifically proven that passive smoking can trigger health problems. The delay in measures to prevent exposure to secondhand smoke is unacceptable.
The government has been forced to put off submitting to the current Diet session a bill to revise the Health Promotion Law that would strengthen measures against passive smoking. This was because fierce resistance within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party to proposed regulations for eating and drinking establishments prevented both sides from reaching an agreement. The government now aims to enact the bill during the extraordinary Diet session this autumn.
According to a Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry white paper on tobacco and other sources, inhaling secondhand smoke increases the risk of developing lung cancer and of strokes 1.3-fold. The risk of sudden infant death syndrome jumps 4.7-fold. It is estimated that more than 15,000 people die each year due to health problems caused by exposure to other people’s cigarette smoke.
Postponing submission of the bill will unavoidably lead to criticism that this serious health issue is being treated too lightly.
The global trend is toward stronger steps to prevent passive smoking. Forty-nine nations have enacted laws that ban smoking inside public facilities, including restaurants and bars.
Japan, through the Health Promotion Law and other regulations, merely requires operators to make efforts to prevent exposure to secondhand smoke. The World Health Organization rated Japan’s measures to prevent passive smoking as one of the world’s worst.
The WHO and the International Olympic Committee are pushing for a smoke-free Olympic Games. Japan’s tardy response to dealing with this issue ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics could hurt the nation’s reputation.
(The Yomiuri Shimbun)
投稿情報: 2017/06/20 カテゴリー: 1-What's New, 4-小学生クラス, 5-アカデミークラス, 6-短期コース(英検、フォニックスほか), 8-おとなの英語、イングリッシュサロン, 9-短期教室、イングリッシュデイキャンプ(春、夏、冬), 英語学習資料|無料ダウンロード英語プリント, 語学と子育て | 個別ページ
日本語訳を知りたい方はお申し付けください✨ [email protected] Kazueまで
Throne should be transferred smoothly after law enacted
thorough preparations 周到な準備
plenary session 本会議
lifetime tenure 終身在位
demise 崩御
regent 摂政
ascension to the throne 即位
succession to the Imperial throne 皇位継承
change the name of an ara 改元(する)
first in line to the throne 皇位継承順位が一位
female Imperial family branch 女性宮家
The Emperor’s abdication will become a reality. The government is urged to make thorough preparations to smoothly carry forward the succession of the crown prince.
A special measures bill to enable the Emperor to abdicate has been passed into law after the House of Councillors approved it at a plenary session. All parties except the Liberal Party, whose members walked out before the vote, supported the legislation. The law will be enforced within three years after its promulgation.
This will be the first abdication by an emperor in about 200 years — Emperor Kokaku stepped down in the latter part of the Edo period (1603-1867). It will be the first abdication not due to the demise of an emperor since the previous Imperial House Law, enacted in the Meiji era (1868-1912), made the position of emperor a lifetime tenure.
Govt handled well
Modern Imperial history has reached a major milestone. The fact the parties formed a broad consensus without politicizing the abdication issue can be applauded.
“When I consider that my fitness level is gradually declining, I am worried that it may become difficult for me to carry out my duties as the symbol of the State with my whole being as I have done until now.” Last summer, the Emperor said this in a video message to the public.
The public sincerely empathized with the Emperor’s feelings. In an opinion survey conducted shortly after the message, about 80 percent of respondents supported abdication.
The premise of the current Imperial House Law is also that the emperor stays on the throne until death. If the emperor is unable to fulfill his duties, the basic procedure involves appointing a regent.
Legalizing an abdication directly based on the Emperor’s “message” could have conflicted with Article 4 of the Constitution, which stipulates the emperor “shall not have powers related to government.” With this in mind, the handling of the abdication issue by the government and the Diet appears to be largely reasonable.
The government set up an expert panel to establish the pros and cons of various contentious points regarding the issue. Leaders and deputy leaders of both chambers of the Diet coordinated the opinions of each party and formed a Diet consensus. The government formed the bill based on this.
After procedures were carefully taken, the public’s empathy toward the Emperor’s feelings was cited as a reason for the legislation. The principle of a lifetime tenure as emperor has been kept in place, but the abdication will be allowed as an exception. Considering the public’s opinion, this was a realistic result.
(The Yomiuri Shimbun)
投稿情報: 2017/06/13 カテゴリー: 1-What's New, 4-小学生クラス, 5-アカデミークラス, 6-短期コース(英検、フォニックスほか), 8-おとなの英語、イングリッシュサロン, 英語学習資料|無料ダウンロード英語プリント, 語学と子育て | 個別ページ
メンバーは課題を金曜までに読んで、「質問を2つ」考えてきて下さい。ノートに写すと力💪になります。今週は 「労働力不足をロボットで」について。今後どのような職種が人口知能AIやロボットに代わっていくでしょうか?そしたら人間には何が残る?(生まれる?)
(Reuters file photo
Humanoid robots work side by side with employees in the assembly line at a factory of Glory Ltd., a manufacturer of automatic change dispensers, in Kazo, Saitama Prefecture, in July 2015.)
Desperate to overcome Japan's growing shortage of labor, mid-sized companies are planning to buy robots and other equipment to automate a wide range of tasks, including manufacturing, earthmoving and hotel room service.
According to a Bank of Japan survey, companies with share capital of 100 million yen to 1 billion yen plan to boost investment in the fiscal year that started in April by 17.5 percent, the highest level on record.
It is unclear how much of that is being spent on automation but companies selling such equipment say their order books are growing and the Japanese government says it sees a larger proportion of investment being dedicated to increasing efficiency. Revenue at many of Japan’s robot makers also rose in the January-March period for the first time in several quarters.
"The share of capital expenditure devoted to becoming more efficient is increasing because of the shortage of workers," said Seiichiro Inoue, a director in the industrial policy bureau of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, or METI.
If the investment ambitions are fulfilled it would show there is a silver lining as Japan tries to cope with a shrinking and rapidly aging population. It could help equipment-makers, lift the country's low productivity and boost economic growth.
The government predicts investment in labor-saving equipment will rise this fiscal year, Inoue said.
The way Japan copes with an aging population will provide critical lessons for other aging societies, including China and South Korea, that will have to grapple with similar challenges in coming years.
"More than 90 percent of Japan's companies are small- and medium-sized, but most of these companies are not using robots," said Yasuhiko Hashimoto, who works in Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd’s (7012.T) robot division. "We're coming up with a lot of applications and product packages to target these companies."
Among those products is a two-armed, 170-centimeter (5-foot-7) tall robot. Kawasaki says it is selling well because it can be adapted to a range of industrial uses by electronics makers, food processors and drug companies.
Hitachi Construction Machinery (6305.T) says it is getting a lot of enquiries for its computer-programmed digging machines that use a global positioning system to hew ditches that are accurate to within centimeters and can cut digging time by about half.
"We focus on rentals and expect business to pick up in the second half of the fiscal year, which is when most companies tend to order construction equipment for projects," said Yoshi Furuno, a company official. Hitachi Construction declined to provide figures.
Mid-sized companies are planning on increasing spending much more than large-caps, which are projecting just a 0.6 percent increase in the fiscal year, according to the Bank of Japan. Smaller companies tend to have less flexibility in overcoming labor shortages by paying workers more or by moving production overseas.
(ロイター Stanley White | TOKYO)
投稿情報: 2017/05/30 カテゴリー: 1-What's New, 5-アカデミークラス, 6-短期コース(英検、フォニックスほか), 8-おとなの英語、イングリッシュサロン, 英語学習資料|無料ダウンロード英語プリント, 語学と子育て | 個別ページ
Cars with automatic brake devices on rise
An increasing number of cars are equipped with a device that automatically applies the brakes when the car is about to crash. By 2020, or three years from now, almost all domestically produced new cars are expected to be equipped with such devices.
Mazda Motor Corp. plans to install the devices in almost all of its models by the end of fiscal 2017. Daihatsu Motor Co. and Suzuki Motor Corp. have already equipped even less expensive mini-vehicles with similar devices.
In the background to this, many traffic accidents are caused by elderly drivers who have become slow to respond in an emergency.
Besides the automatic braking devices, there are cars equipped with other safety features such as automatically steering the car to prevent it from unintentionally leaving the lane, and preventing it from starting abruptly. however, experts call for drivers not to let their attention wander while driving because it is impossible to totally eliminate traffic accidents.
ブレーキをかける apply the brakes
車種 model
反応がにぶくなる become slow to respond
急発進する start abruptly
〜Yomiuri KODOMO Shinbun〜
Deaths from India air pollution rivaling China
New delhi
India's air now rivals China's as the world's deadliest, according to a new study amid warnings that efforts to curb pollution from coal will not yield results anytime soon.
India's notoriously poor air quality causes nearly 1.1million premature deaths every year, almost on a par with China, concluded a joint report by two U.S. - based health research institutes.
But whereas deaths linked to air pollution in China have steadied in recent years, the rate has soared in India where smog readings in major cities routinely eclipse safe exposure levels.
India has recorded a nearly 50 percent increase in early deaths linked to fine airborne particles known as PM2.5 between 1990 and 2015, the report found.
These microscopic particles are so light they float on air and lodge deep in the lungs, and have been linked to higher rates of lung cancer, chronic bronchitis and heart disease.
"India now approaches China in the number of deaths attributable to PM2.5," said the report by the Health Effects Institute and the Institute for health Metrics and Evaluation.
Together, the two Asian giants accounted for more than half of all global deaths related to PM2.5 exposure, the report said.
Efforts to reduce smog in China -- which jostles with India for the unenviable title of world's most polluted country -- have seen early deaths from PM2.5 stabilize at around 1.1 million since 2005.
投稿情報: 2017/04/11 カテゴリー: 1-What's New, 4-小学生クラス, 5-アカデミークラス, 6-短期コース(英検、フォニックスほか), 英語学習資料|無料ダウンロード英語プリント, 語学と子育て | 個別ページ
北九州 5月14日(日)14:00〜、16:00〜
〒802-0006 北九州市小倉北区魚町3丁目3-20 中屋ビル地下1階
北九州モノレール 小倉線 平和通駅 徒歩3分
福岡 5月20日(土)13:30〜
福岡女学院大学 エリザベス・リーホール
〒811-1313 福岡市南区曰佐3丁目42-1
鹿児島本線 南福岡駅または西鉄天神大牟田線 井尻駅より西鉄バス45番「福岡女学院前」下車
投稿情報: 2017/03/19 カテゴリー: 1-What's New, 3-ベビー、幼稚園クラス, 4-小学生クラス, 5-アカデミークラス, 6-短期コース(英検、フォニックスほか), 9-短期教室、イングリッシュデイキャンプ(春、夏、冬), 英語学習資料|無料ダウンロード英語プリント, 語学と子育て | 個別ページ
NEW! 2017年4月開講
Baby-and-Me English Class
The Baby and Me program is an immersion-based parent & child english language class designed for children ages 3-18 months.
At this age children are developing an ear for both their native language as well as their second language. They are also beginning to express themselves and learning how to make all sorts of sounds.
The Baby and Me program will provide you with a special time for enhancing and nurturing your relationship with your little one through music, creative movement, singing, simple games, rhymes, finger plays, chants and books.
Registration is always open- You can register for Baby-and-Me Class at any time!
月3回 木曜日 11:00am-12:00pm
月謝7800円 入会金5400円
For babies (3 months – 18 months) and Mom, Dad, or Caregiver
Thursdays 11:00am-12:00pm
7800yen per month Registration Fee= 5400 yen
講師:Kazuko Nishihara
投稿情報: 2017/03/12 カテゴリー: 1-What's New, 2-プリスクール・パンダクラブ, 3-ベビー、幼稚園クラス, 9-短期教室、イングリッシュデイキャンプ(春、夏、冬), 91-ブッククラブ, 語学と子育て | 個別ページ
プナホウサマースクール2017 申し込み期間:2017年3月13日〜3月31日
[email protected] マクドナルド和枝
投稿情報: 2017/02/14 カテゴリー: 1-What's New, 7-ハワイサマースクール, 9-短期教室、イングリッシュデイキャンプ(春、夏、冬), 語学と子育て | 個別ページ
政権を持つ(運営する):run the goverment
参議院:the House of Councillors
Opposition parties mull cooperation
Four opposition parties, which do not run the government -- the Democratic party, the Japanese Communist Party, the Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party -- are holding atlks to consider working together in the next House of Representatives election.
In the lower house, the ruling parties, which run the government -- the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito -- hold more than two-thirds of the seats. The four parties cooperated in the House of Councillors election held last year. They want to cooperate again to challenge the ruling parties in the next lower house election.
Top officials of the DP, LP and SDP joined together for the first time at a JCP convention that started on Jan. 15. Their aim was to show that they are willing to move forward cooperation.
However, some of the policies among the opposition parties differ. It will be difficult to cooperate if their policies run in all directions, and that is why officials in charge of the four parties are holding talks about the policies they want to tout in the election.
課題2 LIFE
Japan’s top 10 cat names so far for 2017
There are a lot of responsibilities with welcoming a new pet into your home. Not only will you need to give it the love and attention it requires for a happy, healthy life, your animal companion will also be dependent on you to provide it with a name.
To help with that last task, Japanese Internet portal Iris Pet has released its newest list of the most popular cat names in Japan, compiled from responses from 1,671 cat owners. Just like with human names, kitty moniker trends change over time, so let’s take a look at how things have changed since last year for the overall rankings.
● Top ten overall cat names
10 (tie). Tama (“Ball”)
10 (tie). Tora (“Tiger”)
10 (tie). Mii
10 (tie). Rin
10 (tie). Reo (“Leo”)
9. Fuku (“Lucky”)
8. Hime (“Princess”)
7. Mike (“Tortoiseshell”)
4 (tie). Chibi (“Tiny”)
4 (tie). Hana (“Flower”)
4 (tie). Momo (“Peach”)
2 (tie). Kuro (“Black”)
2 (tie). Nana
1. Koko
Last year’s overall most popular name, Momo, still ended up as one of the survey respondents’ favorites in 2017. However, in the end, it was Koko that finished atop the list, reportedly thanks to its associations with the similarly pronounced “cocoa,” “coconut,” and fashion designer Coco Chanel.
In 12 months’ time, we’ll likely see these ranking get shaken up again, but for right now, they’re the top dogs, or cats, actually, of Japan’s feline pet community.
投稿情報: 2017/02/14 カテゴリー: 1-What's New, 4-小学生クラス, 5-アカデミークラス, 6-短期コース(英検、フォニックスほか), 8-おとなの英語、イングリッシュサロン, 英語学習資料|無料ダウンロード英語プリント, 語学と子育て | 個別ページ
イーマックのCraigが親友Nigelと2人でサンタに変身して街へ繰り出しました💖 子供たちは驚き、大喜び❗大人も大喜び❗ Nigel and Craig, Good work!!! 来年はサンタが増えそうな予感。。。笑 良かったらNigelの動画にイイネお願いします。笑
2 Big Santa's walked the streets of Fukuoka spreading cheer and happiness on a Sunday afternoon. It was good times for everyone as many kids got to meet Santa for the first time. Until next year everyone!
投稿情報: 2016/12/22 カテゴリー: 1-What's New, 語学と子育て | 個別ページ
イーマックでは夏のキャンプにテーマソングを歌います。ディズニーチャンネルのPhineas and Ferbという番組のテーマソングパロディです。歌詞が長く、ネイティブでも早い曲なので私自身が躊躇しましたが。。。さすが!口ずさむようになっていました!
投稿情報: 2016/09/09 カテゴリー: 1-What's New, 3-ベビー、幼稚園クラス, 4-小学生クラス, 5-アカデミークラス, 6-短期コース(英検、フォニックスほか), 7-ハワイサマースクール, 9-短期教室、イングリッシュデイキャンプ(春、夏、冬), 語学と子育て | 個別ページ | コメント (1)
場所:福岡市東区千早4丁目10-1 リングローブノース112号
[email protected] 電話092-775-1079
投稿情報: 2016/09/07 カテゴリー: 0-emac english school, 1-What's New, 2-プリスクール・パンダクラブ, 3-ベビー、幼稚園クラス, 4-小学生クラス, 5-アカデミークラス, 6-短期コース(英検、フォニックスほか), 8-おとなの英語、イングリッシュサロン, 9-短期教室、イングリッシュデイキャンプ(春、夏、冬), 91-ブッククラブ, 年齢別、英語絵本リスト, 英語学習資料|無料ダウンロード英語プリント, 語学と子育て | 個別ページ