メンバーは課題を金曜までに読んで「質問を2つ」考えてきて下さい。ノートにも写しましょう→出力の練習になります。今週は 映画の脚本、"A Monster Calls"(怪物はささやく)から。
原作は、パトリック・ネスによる傑作児童文学『A Monster Calls(邦題:怪物はささやく)』。癌のため47歳でこの世を去ったカーネギー賞作家シヴォーン・ダウドの遺したアイディアを、2011年にカーネギー賞を受賞した作家パトリック・ネスが引き継いで完成させた作品。
be listened to: 受動態にすると「耳を傾けるべき」というニュアンスが強くなります。
who is to say that: who's to say (that): 「一体誰が〜だと言える?(誰も言えない)」という反語表現です。
Slay : 「殺害する(やっつける)」ファンタジー小説に出る古風な言い方。過去形はslew。
flying in: fly in「飛行機に乗ってくる」
You're coming to : come to ... をbe coming to...と進行形にするとwillよりも予定が「すでに決まっている」というニュアンスになる。
<Scene 1>
The Monster: What took you so long? It is time for me to tell you the first tale.
Conor: I don't need a tale. I need a bus ticket for my grandma.
The Monster: It is time for me to tell you the --- Where do you think you're going? I will be listened to! I am as old as this land. (Omission) I know everything about you, Conor O'Malley.
Conor: No, you don't! If you did, you'd know I don't have time to listen to stupid stories from a stupid tree that is just a dream.
The Monster: A dream? What is a dream, Connor O'Malley? And who is to say that it is not everything else that is a dream?
Conor: Never mind. I came to see you today because I thought ...
The Monster: You thought I might have come to topple your enemies. Slay your dragons.
Conor: Or at least help me with my grandmother. But all you want t do is tell me stories.
The Monster: Stories of how I topple my enemies.
<Scene 2>
Grandma: Good, you're home. Your mom's upstairs. She wants to talk to you. (Omission) Your father's flying in on Sunday.
Conor: Dad's coming? From America?
Grandma: Go on. She's waiting. And pack a bag. you're coming to stay with me for a few days. Go on!
Mom: That tree is amazing. It's been here for thousands of years. (Showing a wig) What do you think? I think grandma is trying to turn me into Tina Turner. She must be a fan.
Conor: Why am I going to stay with grandma? Are you going back to hospital?
Mom: Come here, Con. This latest treatment's not doing what it's supposed to. So they're going to adjust it, try something else.