How'd the audition go?>〜はどうだった?:Hod did ... go?
Why is there a convention in the bathroom?>国際会議レベルの会議 conventionを使い表現を大げさにしている。
Two minutes, people.>We have to leave in two minutes.の省略形
there's four things in my in-box that you're perfect for>in-boxはeメールの受信ボックスのこと。送信ボックスはout-box。four thingsはfour jobsのこと
When else are you gonna get to see every Hollywood cliche crammed into the same room?>clicheはフランス語で「決まり文句、ありふれた表現」という意味だが、英語ではstereotypeで言い換えられます。
La La Land(ラ・ラ・ランド)For a change
Alexis: Mia! How'd the audition go?
Mia: Eh...
Caitlin: Why is there a convention in the bathroom?
Tracy: Two minutes, people. Mia, you're coming, right?
mia: I can't! I'm working.
Tracy: What!?
Caitlin: Did she just say 'working'?
Mia: What?
Tracy: I'm sorry it didn't go well... today, and there's four things in my in-box that you're perfect for, and I will submit you ... But right now you're coming! It'll be fun.
Mia: It's not gonna be fun.
Tracy: It could be.
Mia: It's not. It's gonna be a bunch of social climbers ... all packed into one of those big, glass houses.
Alexis: Come on, Mia. When else are you gonna get to see every Hollywood cliche crammed into the same room? We'll make fun of it together!
Tracy: I'm disappointed in you, Lex. There's nothing to make fun of. This party's gonna be humanity at its finest.
I know a guy ... with a face tattoo that you should see. >ローラは顔にタトゥーがある男性が好みか、または以前付き合っていたということが推測されます。
low blow: ボクシングでベルト部分より下への攻撃を指し、反則とされています。「卑怯な侮辱」としても使われる表現。
I got shanghaied.>shanghaiは「人をだまして〜をさせる」という意味。
You got ripped off!>「だまされる、ぼられる」
La La Land(ラ・ラ・ランド)Big Dream
Laura: I have someone I want you to meet.
Sebastian: I don't wanna meet anyone.
Laura: You'll like her.
Sebastian: I don't think I'm gonna like her. Does she like jazz?
Laura: Probably not.
Sebastian:Okay. Well, I know a guy ...
Laura: You need to get serious.
Sebastian: ... with a face tattoo that you should see.
Laura: Okay, low blow.
Sebastian:With a heart of gold.
Laura: Get serious!
Sebastian: Get serious? Laura ... I had a very serious plan for my future.
Laura: I know.
Sebastian: It's not my fault I got shanghaied.
Laura: You didn't get shanghaied. You got ripped off!
〜The Japan News by Yomiuri shinbunより〜
『ラ・ラ・ランド』(原題: La La Land)は、2016年にアメリカ合衆国で公開されたミュージカル映画である。日本では2017年2月24日に公開予定。脚本、監督はデミアン・チャゼル、主演はライアン・ゴズリングとエマ・ストーンが務めた。